1. When will I receive the product after placing an order?
  • The delivery usually takes 5-10 days to reach to your location. However, it can get delayed if there are lockdown restrictions in the delivery location. Express delivery available on special requests.

2. Is COD payment available?

  • Yes, we offer COD and Free Pan India Delivery.

3. Can we get pictures of products?

  • You can get all our photos on our Instagram ID:  officially_nonsense

4. What are different modes of payment available?

  • We have COD as well as Online payment options.

5.How to cancel my order?

  • The customer can cancel the order within 1-2 hours after placing an order. The order once shipped cannot be cancelled.

6. What is the return policy?

  • We don’t have any return policy. However, we do provide a new product in case of damage. Exchange is available on all our T-Shirts.

7. What is the material of t-shirts?

  • The t-shirts are of 100% Cotton material.

8. Are the cards water resistant?

  • Yes, all our cards are made of premium 300 GSM quality. They have special water resistant coating on them so they don’t get wet.

9.  How can we track our order?

  • A link is provided on our website after you place an order. You can easily track your order from there.

10. What if the products are damaged?

  • If your products are damaged at the time of delivery, we would provide you with a new product.

11. What if the payment is deducted and the order is not placed?

  •  If the payment is deducted from your account, Please write us on  support@gononsense.in with your Payment/Transaction Id. We will update it from our end.

12. What if I have any other issues?